Animal actor Ranbir Kapoor for allegedly hurting religious sentiments in a viral video of him celebrating Christmas with his family. A complaint has been filed against Bollywood star Ranbir Kapoor in the Ghatkopar Police Station in Mumbai for allegedly hurting religious sentiments over a viral video while celebrating Christmas.
In the video, the Kapoor family was seen pouring liquor on a cake before the actor lit it up on fire and said ‘Jai Mata Di’. According to reports, the complainant asserted that in Hinduism, fire god is invoked before invoking other deities, but Ranbir and his family members deliberately used intoxicants while celebrating the festival of another religion and chanted ‘Jai Mata Di’. This hurt the complainant’s religious sentiments, his complaint alleged. Reports also stated that no FIR has yet been registered in the case.