Geet Hui Sabse Parayi is a show which premiered on 5 April 2010 on STAR One. It is the first series produced by 4 Lions Films. The show ended on 14 December 2011 when STAR One was replaced by Life OK.
Gurmeet Chaudhary and Drashti Dhami starrer Geet-Hui Sabse Parayi is the latest series to be re-telecasted on TV.
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The show revolves around a small town woman Geet (Drashti Dhami) whose marriage falls apart when her NRI husband abandons her. Her life takes a turn when she travels to Mumbai and takes up a job.
As the show is retelecasted on TV during COVID-19 Pandemic you can enjoy your favourite love story of Geet and Maan.
Geet and Maan was loved by the audience and still remains to be one of the telly worlds most loved Jodi’s of all times.
Here are some songs from the serial ‘Geet Hui Sabse Parayi’ to recollect the memories of their perfect love story.
Check out the songs below: