Iconic actress Sridevi’s untimely demise has taken the entire nation by rude surprise. Yesterday the Kapoors, Ayyapans and the Marwah family paid their last respect to the legendary actress and everyone right from Sridevi’s colleagues, friends to juniors were heartbroken at the sight of her lifeless body.
Actress Rani Mukerji too couldn’t stop from expressing her emotions on her idol’s demise. A heartbroken Rani shared, “For me Sri ji has been my favorite from childhood, she actually knew me as a kid because I used to go in my school uniform and see her shooting as she has worked in my uncle Shomu Mukerji’s film. I remember going with my school bag to watch her shoot and she remembers me as that kid.”
Talking about she got acquainted to her she said, “I have connected with her in a very different way. When I grew up to be an actor she used to immensely love my work. There was a lot of love that I received from her; in fact she used to call me laddoo.”
Rani was shattered when she came to know about her demise, “The time I got to know about her demise was the most shocking and tragic thing for me to hear. I feel surreal that we are talking about her in past tense because it was one of those things that nobody expected in fact I was looking forward to showing her HICHKI. She had called me after watching the trailer and said, “Laddoo I have to see this movie” and I said “Yes maa as soon as the movie is ready I will show it to you. It’s a huge loss not only for the whole industry but for us as a family as this whole industry is like a family. If anyone departs we feel that sense of loss and especially more since I had a personal connect with her. And in these last two years that I had my child, Sri ji has been so supportive and so inspirational. The kind of love she has given me and Adira in these last two years has been phenomenal. She was literally like an elder sister or maasi I would say. She has been like a pillar of support for me in this last two years. So it’s a huge loss for me and I will never forget her.”
Rani had recently lost her father and now with Sridevi’s death she looked devastated as she expressed, “For us right now even to fathom the fact that what has happened is very difficult to digest. What I went through my dad’s death three months back that also was very difficult to accept but that is what life is. It wants you to accept some facts even if you don’t want to accept it. I think God tests us in different points of our lives.”
Rani wished she could show HICHKI to her dad and Sridevi ji as they were the two people who loved her immensely and they would have given her genuine feedback.