Actress Yami Gautam Dhar, who was recently seen in the theatrical movie ‘Article 370’, extended birthday wishes to her brother, Ojas Gautam. Taking to her Instagram on Sunday, the actress shared a picture featuring herself, her brother, and her sister, Surilie Gautam.
The image depicts the sisters lovingly hugging their brother.
Yami shared the picture with the caption: “You shall remain our little baby brother, like the first child for Surilie and I, forever!!! Happy birthday, Ojas!!! We love you. P.S… best mamu to donut, and now the second one on the way.”
Yami, who is married to director Aditya Dhar, is expecting her first child with her husband.
The actress confirmed her pregnancy during a press event for ‘Article 370’ in Mumbai.
Speaking to the media, Aditya described ‘Article 370’ as a “ghar ki film” involving collaborations with his wife and his brother Lokesh before announcing, “and a baby on its way.”.
Touched by her husband’s words, Yami said: “If I cry right now listening to him, everyone will say, ‘it’s the pregnancy hormones’ but genuinely, this is so heartwarming.”
Yami and Aditya tied the nuptial knot on June 4, 2021.
Meanwhile, on the work front, the actress has ‘Dhoom Dhaam’ in the pipeline.