Adam Sandler sports a ‘disgusting’ beard in new film

October 1, 2020
Adam Sandler sports a 'disgusting' beard

Actor Adam Sandler is spotted sporting a beard lately, and the actor reveals the new look is for a basketball flick he is shooting in Philadelphia.

The 54-year-old star spoke about it during an interview with host Jimmy Kimmel when the latter teased him about his thick beard.

“It’s disgusting. I’m sorry. It’s not a beard. It’s a mask,” joked Adam, according to a report.

Sandler said that nobody liked his beard. “Nobody likes it at all. People on the street go, no! No, Adam. ‘Doing it for a movie’. They go, no!’ he said.

Basketball star LeBron James’ production company is producing the film that casts Sandler as an NBA scout who discovers a player in Spain and brings him to America.

“LeBron’s company had it and they called me up and asked if I wanted to be a part of it,” recalled Sandler. –ians/nn/vnc

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