Vikramaditya Motwane’s highly anticipated cyber thriller CTRL, starring Ananya Panday and Vihaan Samat, is set to premiere on Netflix on October 4. The film, produced by Saffron and Andolan Films, promises to be a gripping exploration of our reliance on technology and its impact on personal relationships.
In CTRL, Panday and Samat play Nella Awasthi and Joe Mascarenhas, a couple who create content together and are adored by their online audience. The film’s official synopsis teases a thought-provoking storyline: “But what happens when they break up? In a world where data is power, how much sharing is too much? How much of your life are you willing to share, and do you slowly lose control in the process?”
Ananya Panday shared the film’s teaser on Instagram, captioning it, “Think again. CTRL releases on 4 October, only on Netflix! #CTRLOnNetflix @motwayne @nikhildwivedi25 @ananyapanday @vihaansamat @avinashsampath @sumukhisuresh @saffron_bm @andolanofficial @aryaamenon @shiviepandit.” Fans reacted positively, with many excited about the film and praising Panday’s growth as an actress. Comments included, “If it’s directed by Motwane, then I am watching,” and “Looks tooooooo good already! I AM SO LOOKING FORWARD.”
“The question is, are we actually in control of all the digital extensions of our life, or are we being controlled? That’s the answer ‘CTRL’ tries to explore. For a concept as new-age as this, we not only needed a cast who lives such a life, but a medium like Netflix that’s relevant,” Vikramaditya said in a statement.
In other news, Ananya Panday was recently spotted in Mumbai with her friend Suhana Khan and her sister Rysa Panday, celebrating Friendship Day. The trio enjoyed a lunch date at a popular restaurant, and paparazzi captured them exiting the eatery. Ananya sported a relaxed pinstriped co-ord set with a crop top, while Suhana looked charming in a floral print summer dress.