Bhojpuri actress Akshara Singh on Tuesday shared some pictures, flaunting her hair and makeup, and asked fans when they are celebrating the festival of Holi. Taking to Instagram, Akshara shared a series of pictures, wherein she is wearing a white shirt, and is posing with a full face of makeup and hair styled in soft waves.
Akshara, who hails from Bihar, and the state is celebrating Holi on March 26, captioned the post as: “What’s up guys? aapke yahan Holi kab hai? #happyholi.”
The fans commented on her post and said: “Mrignaini”, “Aaj se hi hai Holi start”. One user said: “aaj hai Singh ji”.
Akshara is known for her participation in ‘Bigg Boss OTT’. She has also featured in projects like ‘Porus’, ‘Satya’, ‘Tabadala’, and ‘Dhadkan’.