Akshay Kumar has unveiled the trailer for his upcoming film, Khel Khel Mein, which boasts a stellar cast including Vaani Kapoor, Fardeen Khan, Ammy Virk, and Taapsee Pannu. The trailer hints at an engaging and complex narrative centered around a single location, where the characters partake in a game that exposes their deepest secrets.
In the film, Akshay Kumar’s character is depicted as a man who secretly ogles women online, despite being married to Vaani Kapoor’s character. The trailer suggests that Akshay and his male friends harbor more hidden truths.
The plot thickens when Vaani’s character proposes a bold challenge: everyone must unlock their phones, making all messages and calls accessible to everyone for the night. She declares, “Ek hi rule hai, hum saaton ke phone raat khatam hone tak public property hain,” meaning that their phones will be public property until the end of the night. The trailer is filled with comedic sound effects and leans heavily on familiar stereotypes, such as the ‘funny Punjabi’, the ‘nagging wife’, and the ‘cheating husband’.
Despite ongoing criticisms about the significant age gap between Akshay Kumar and his female co-stars, particularly Vaani Kapoor, who is over 20 years his junior, the actor seems unfazed. The storyline of Khel Khel Mein bears a resemblance to the 2018 Netflix film Nothing to Hide, which itself was inspired by an older Italian film.
Khel Khel Mein is slated for a theatrical release on August 15.
We have comedy dialogues from the trailer of Khel Khel Mein. Check out Khel Khel Mein Dialogues below: