Akshay Kumar has wrapped up the first shooting schedule of the highly anticipated film ‘Jolly LLB 3’, and a local artist who worked on the set has shared a heartwarming experience of working with the actor. The artist took to social media to share a picture and wrote about their encounter with Akshay Kumar, describing how he greeted them with a humble “Jai Shri Ram” and spent the entire day working with them.
The artist was impressed by Akshay Kumar’s positive energy and values, observing that he sleeps early, wakes up at 4 am, works out, and doesn’t have any bad habits. They also noted that he believes in God and approaches his work with earnestness, earning their respect and admiration.
This testimony highlights Akshay Kumar’s inspiring on-set persona and dedication to his craft. His disciplined lifestyle and commitment to his work have made him a beloved figure both on and off the screen. With the completion of the first schedule, fans are eagerly awaiting the return of Jagdishwar Mishra in ‘Jolly LLB 3’, promising a blend of humor, drama, and courtroom sequences that have made the franchise a favorite among audiences.