Jehangir Ali Khan, affectionately known as Jeh Baba, is the younger son of Bollywood actors Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor. Even at a tender age, Jeh is no stranger to the paparazzi, constantly in the limelight alongside his family. Recently, he made headlines for his endearing interaction with photographers, offering a rare glimpse into his evolving relationship with the media.
A video shared by a paparazzo account on Instagram shows Jeh seated on Kareena’s lap inside their white SUV. As photographers clicked away, Jeh noticed them and gave a brief thumbs-up, a stark contrast to his previous reactions. Only a few weeks earlier, Jeh had shown frustration towards the paparazzi, indicating a more complex and often tumultuous relationship with the constant attention.
Jeh’s elder brother, Taimur Ali Khan, has also had his share of ups and downs with the paparazzi. From being chased relentlessly to sometimes responding and other times objecting firmly, Taimur’s experiences highlight the challenges faced by star kids growing up in the public eye. The intensity of the media attention even prompted Saif to request the paparazzi to avoid photographing his children excessively.
Lalita DSilva, the former pediatric nurse for Taimur and Jeh, recently shared insights into the family’s household dynamics. She praised Kareena and Saif for their simplicity and the respect they show to their staff. According to DSilva, Kareena and Saif ensure their staff eat the same food as they do, maintaining no distinction in quality or treatment. This egalitarian approach underscores the couple’s grounded nature despite their celebrity status.
While Jeh and Taimur navigate their public lives, their parents continue to focus on their acting careers. Saif Ali Khan is set to appear in “Devara: Part 1,” while Kareena Kapoor has several projects lined up, including “The Buckingham Murders,” “Singham Again,” and Meghna Gulzar’s next film.
Jeh Baba’s evolving relationship with the paparazzi reflects the broader challenges faced by celebrity children in maintaining a semblance of normalcy amid constant scrutiny. Despite this, the Khan-Kapoor family remains grounded, emphasizing respect and simplicity in their daily lives. As Jeh and Taimur grow older, their interactions with the media will likely continue to evolve, mirroring the complexities of fame and privacy.