Kartik Aaryan has decided to go ahead with the trailer launch of his upcoming film ‘Chandu Champion’ in Gwalior, despite recently losing his maternal uncle and aunt in a tragic accident. Manoj Chansoria and his wife Anita passed away on May 13 due to a hoarding crash in Mumbai, which also claimed the lives of 16 others. Kartik attended their funeral in the city.
Speculations were rife that the trailer launch would be cancelled, but a source close to the production house revealed that Kartik has refused to cancel the event. “Kartik is grieving over the accidental death of his uncle and aunt, but he has refused to cancel the trailer launch of Chandu Champion that is taking place at his hometown Gwalior,” the source said.
According to the source, Kartik felt that the hard work of the entire team over the past three years should not be affected by his personal grief. “Kartik told the makers to go ahead as per the plan,” the source added. The film’s director, Kabir Khan, and the entire team have been working tirelessly to bring this project to life.
Kartik’s first look from ‘Chandu Champion’ has already left everyone stunned, showcasing his physical transformation for the role. The actor is currently shooting for ‘Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3’. Despite his personal loss, Kartik’s dedication to his craft and his commitment to his fans are truly commendable.