Prabhas, the Telugu superstar, is struggling to make an impact in Bollywood with his upcoming film Kalki. Despite his massive fan following in the South, Prabhas’ last four films have failed to impress the Hindi audience, leading to a lukewarm response to Kalki’s release.
The film’s music, which is typically a crucial factor in generating buzz, has also fallen flat. The soundtrack has failed to resonate with the Hindi audience, further dampening the film’s prospects.
Prabhas’ inability to connect with the Bollywood audience is a significant concern. His previous films, including Saaho and Radhe Shyam, failed to impress the Hindi audience, leading to a decline in his popularity in the North. Kalki’s poor buzz suggests that Prabhas’ charm may be limited to the Telugu audience.
The film’s director, Gopi Ganesh, is also relatively unknown in Bollywood, which may contribute to the lack of excitement surrounding the film. The film’s plot, which revolves around a fictional village, may also struggle to resonate with the urban Hindi audience.
Overall, Kalki’s low buzz in Bollywood is a significant setback for Prabhas, who was hoping to establish himself as a pan-India star. With poor music and a lack of connect with the Hindi audience, Kalki may struggle to make an impact at the box office.