Sanjay Dutt recently expressed his disappointment after being dropped from the film Son of Sardaar 2 due to issues with his UK visa. The actor, who was initially granted the visa, saw it revoked a month later, leading to his replacement by actor Ravi Kishan. In a candid interview, Sanjay criticized the UK’s decision, questioning why his visa was granted in the first place if it was to be revoked later. He voiced his frustration, pointing out that all preparations, including payments, had been completed in the UK, only for the visa to be canceled abruptly.
Sanjay also expressed bewilderment at how it took the UK government a month to realize any legal issues that might have led to the cancellation, stressing that he had provided all necessary documentation. Despite his disappointment, he downplayed the impact of missing out on the trip, citing recent unrest in the UK and a travel advisory from the Indian government as reasons not to visit. He emphasized his status as a law-abiding citizen and his respect for international laws, but clearly felt wronged by the situation.
*Son of Sardaar 2*, a sequel to the 2012 film *Son of Sardaar*, stars Ajay Devgn and Mrunal Thakur. The movie is being shot in Scotland, and Sanjay was originally slated to play the role of Jassi alongside Ajay’s character Billu. The unexpected visa rejection marked what would have been Sanjay’s first trip to the UK since his arrest in 1993, as he has struggled to obtain a UK visa ever since. The decision to replace him with Ravi Kishan came after Ajay Devgn’s team learned of the visa issues.