Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan was hospitalized on Tuesday evening after suffering from a heat stroke in Ahmedabad. The actor, who was in the city to watch the Indian Premier League (IPL) match between his Kolkata Knight Riders and Sunrisers Hyderabad, was admitted to a local hospital after complaining of severe dehydration and exhaustion.
According to sources close to the actor, Shah Rukh Khan was feeling unwell during the match, which was played in sweltering heat with temperatures soaring up to 45 degrees Celsius. Despite the intense heat, the actor stayed till the end of the match, cheering for his team. However, his condition deteriorated rapidly after the match, and he was rushed to the hospital.
The hospital authorities confirmed that Shah Rukh Khan was suffering from severe dehydration and heat stroke, and was under medical observation. His wife, Gauri Khan, and close friend, Juhi Chawla, were by his side, and later, other family members and friends also visited him in the hospital.
The news of Shah Rukh Khan’s hospitalization sent shockwaves in the film industry, with fans and colleagues taking to social media to wish him a speedy recovery. The actor’s spokesperson later issued a statement, saying, “Shah Rukh Khan was admitted to the hospital due to severe dehydration and heat stroke. He is under medical observation and is expected to be discharged soon.”
Shah Rukh Khan’s hospitalization is a reminder of the risks of heat stroke, especially during the summer months. Heat stroke is a serious medical condition that occurs when the body’s temperature regulation system is overloaded, causing the body temperature to rise rapidly. If left untreated, heat stroke can lead to serious complications, including brain damage and even death.
The actor’s hospitalization has also raised concerns about the safety of players and spectators during outdoor events, especially in extreme weather conditions. The IPL match in Ahmedabad was played in sweltering heat, with temperatures soaring up to 45 degrees Celsius, and many players were seen struggling with the heat during the match.
In conclusion, Shah Rukh Khan’s hospitalization due to heat stroke is a wake-up call for all of us to take precautions during the summer months. The actor’s speedy recovery is a relief, and we wish him all the best for his future endeavors.