Earth Day 2020: Vivian Dsena, Sharad Malhotra, Adaa Khan and others talk about World Earth Day

The coronavirus has incited a lot of change across the world these last couple of months. Entire cities have shut down, trains and airfare have all but nearly stopped, public spaces are shut down, concerts cance, led.

Vivian Dsena: The coronavirus has incited a lot of change across the world these last couple of months. Entire cities have shut down, trains and airfare have all but nearly stopped, public spaces are shut down, concerts canceled. This is high time we should change our habits now, if not now then never I guess. 

Two environment-friendly things I follow : save water especially in Mumbai. Water needs to be conserved as lot of energy is required to pump water from rivers or lakes into your home. take short showers, fix leaking pipes, keep the running tap close while you brush your teeth, recycle water in your home, use water-saving appliances, collect rainwater in a rain barrel to water your lawn.  And the second thing is Stop Littering: One of the common sights that we see every day on the streets is seeing people littering on roads. One of the ways to keep the environment and surrounding clean around you is to stop people from littering on roads.

Sharad Malhotra : This 50th year is important and we will always remember this year. Just look around us. Dropping levels of air pollutants are being witnessed across the globe. The air quality index in India has also improved. When we will step out we should take care of our nature more. I have never seen our nature like this. 

Two things which we should take up : Educate Others: Educate others about the importance of living an environmentally friendly life. The more people share an awareness of the importance of the environment, the more we can do together to conserve it. 

And Protect Wildlife: Protect places like beaches and forests that are habitats for animals. And do not litter nature.

Adaa Khan : When you look at the  crystal blue skies over Mumbai it doesn’t look like a deadly pandemic. I have been looking a lot on all the satellite pictures of the countries as to how we are living in a less populating environment. That is the biggest change I have experienced and we should cherish this change for a long time. It’s an environmental boon. 

Two environment-friendly things I follow : An easy way to reduce your carbon footprint is to buy locally grown products. When you shop locally instead of buying products that were shipped from far away, you are actually supporting local dairies and farms. You can also follow organic farming practices and can grow food in your own backyard. Secondly, Educate others about the importance of living an environmentally friendly life. The more people share an awareness of the importance of the environment, the more we can do together to conserve it.

Aniruddh Dave : With social distancing restrictions in place around the world to fight the spread of coronavirus, the millions of people who were expected to fill parks, stadiums, universities, and plazas around the world on Wednesday to mark the annual day devoted to environmental protection will instead rally online. Mother nature is healing now and we all have to give her time. 

Two things which I follow to keep our environment healthy:  Write down what is inside of your fridge before you go grocery shopping! Plan meals around the food that needs to be eaten first.  Buy less than you think that you need. We tend to overbuy on food so remove on a meal from your meal plan because you'll most likely have an unexpected dinner out or leftovers!  And Bring your own cloth bags to all stores like a pet store, hardware stores, grocery stores, etc.

Mrunal Jain : This year 22nd April will be always memorable, whatever damages we have done to our mother nature we are actually paying her back now. The Himalayan mountain range has become visible in India when it's traditionally cloaked in pollution. When the current crisis passes, as it surely will, we must seize the opportunity to take care of our nature value it more. 

Two things which I follow: Change your lightbulbs. Switching to a compact fluorescent or LED bulb will lower your energy costs and consumption all while saving you money!  Secondly, Save Paper. create and use note pads from once-used paper. leave messages for family members/roommates on a reusable message board.

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