Salman Khan has left fans buzzing with excitement after sharing a teaser for the song “Party Fever,” featuring his nephew Ayaan Agnihotri. The teaser hinted at something exciting, and now the full song has been released. Salman shared the music video on his social media, captioning it, “Party Fever Out Now! Everywhere. Aur Music Video Dekhna Maat Bhulna #partyfever #payaldev #agni @payaldevofficial @ayaanagnihotri @adityadevmusic @geetsagarofficial @apnidhun @paawonb @choreographer_pavanshetty @choreographer_bob.”
The video opens with soft party music, set in a vibrant party atmosphere where friends are seen enjoying themselves. Although it’s not explicitly clear whether it is part of a movie or a standalone music video, the song has been well-received by fans who are thrilled with Salman’s look and performance.
Comments on Salman’s video from fans and celebrities alike have been overwhelmingly positive. Bigg Boss 17 contestant Mannara Chopra commented, “Fab,” while other users praised Salman with comments like “Salman Khan ON Top” and “King of Bollywood salman bhai.” Fans have lauded his charisma and style, eagerly anticipating more from the song and possibly a related film.
Ayaan Agnihotri also shared the video on his handle, writing, “Party Anthem of the year is here and we can’t stop to wear our dancing shoes!! ‘Party Fever’ will get you moving!! #partyfever.” Fans reacted enthusiastically, with one saying, “Lovely bro and that swag which always suits you.”
In addition to the buzz around “Party Fever,” rumors about a sequel to the film “Kick 2” with Salman Khan have resurfaced. The sequel is expected to go on the floor in 2025, though an official confirmation is awaited.
Meanwhile, Salman Khan is currently busy shooting for “Sikandar” alongside Rashmika Mandanna. He shared the title slate on Instagram, reading, “Sajid Nadiadwala presents Salman Khan in and as Sikandar.” The film is slated for an Eid release in 2025, keeping fans eagerly awaiting more updates from the superstar.