Well-known Tamil and Malayalam actress Amala Paul says Pushpdeep Bharadwaj, director of the Hindi web series, ‘Ranjish Hi Sahi’, is someone who embodies his art. Paul plays the character inspired by yesteryear’s Bollywood heroine Parveen Babi in the series.
Taking to social media to pen a long, heartfelt note to her ‘Ranjish Hi Sahi’ team, Amala Paul said: “It is not every day that you meet someone who embodies their art, but I was fortunate enough to meet one, and that was Pushpdeep Bhardwaj – the director and screenplay writer of ‘Ranjish Hi Sahi’.
“What followed the four hours of intense narration from Pushpadeep was a girl who was reminded why she chose to be an actor all over again. Every word that came from him was art in its best form. All I knew at the end of this narration was that I had to do this. I had to be Amna Parvez,” the actress said, sharing a clip of her screen test.
“This footage is a scene from the screen test – I knew I had to bag this character from the word go.
“As I type this, all I can think of are the memories that come along like a breath of fresh air. Right from my audition to the scene test to the very end of this project, my director Pushpadeep has been there and how.”
The actress concluded by noting that ‘Ranjish Hi Sahi’ and Amna Parvez “would not be what they are today without him (the director)”. She signed off with: “I owe you all BIG.”