Actress Tamannaah Bhatia, who has two upcoming streaming releases, feels that the real adulting starts once people enter their 30s. The actress will be soon seen in the upcoming streaming show ‘Jee Karda’ which follows the story of even friends navigating the chaos of life in their 30s.
Tamannaah, who plays the role of Lavanya in the series said that she “deeply relates” to the characters in the show as they face the challenges of peer pressure, both in college and school, and even in their 30s.
The actress said: “It’s at 30 when real adulting hits you. This show provides a sneak peek into the lives of people dealing with the trials and tribulations of adulting, showcasing how they navigate through it all. At its core, Jee Karda is a fun slice of life with a touch of drama, offering a reflection of the lives we lead.”
The show, which also stars Aashim Gulati, Suhail Nayyar, Anya Singh, Hussain Dalal, Sayan Banerjee, and Samvedna Suwalka, has been directed by Arunima Sharma and produced by Dinesh Vijan’s Maddock Films. aJee Karda’ will drop on June 15 on Prime Video.
Tamannaah also has ‘Lust Stories 2’ in the pipeline in which she will be seen along with Vijay Varma.