As Rashmika Mandanna turned 28 on April 5, the makers of ‘Pushpa: The Rise’ shared her first look as the stunning Srivalli from the upcoming film. In the poster shared by Mythri Movie Makers on X (formerly called Twitter), the actress is seen with vermillion on her forehead. She is wearing a bright green saree and completed the look with heavy gold jewellery. She had an intense look as she posed.
Mythri Movie Makers captioned the image: “Our ‘Srivalli’ says three more days to witness #Pushpa2TheRuleTeaser. Get ready for goosebumps stuff on April 8 #PushpaMassJaathara #Pushpa2TheRule.”
The first instalment of the action-drama starring Allu Arjun was released in 2021.
It followed the story of a coolie, Pushpa Raj, in the smuggling syndicate of a rare wood. Directed by Sukumar, the film also stars Fahadh Faasil.