The actors of the cult comedy show ‘Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai’, Aasif Sheikh and Saleem Zaidi, have recalled their treasured Eid memories, extending warm wishes for the festival. Speaking about the festival, Aasif, who plays Vibhuti Narayan Mishra, said: “Every year, I eagerly look forward to celebrating Eid with my loved ones. The celebrations are incomplete without shopping for new clothes, relishing the delectable dishes lovingly prepared by my wife, and warmly welcoming guests into our home.”
“Eid holds a treasure trove of cherished childhood memories for me. I vividly remember the anticipation of spotting the Chand (moon) and eagerly hoping for its appearance, signalling the commencement of Eid and allowing us to adorn ourselves in our new clothes the following day. It was a wonderful time filled with new outfits, exchanging gifts, and friendly competitions among cousins to outshine each other in dressing up (laughs),” he shared.
Aasif added: “While the tradition of exchanging Eidi was significant, we also cherished the priceless moments spent with our families, understanding the true essence of Eid that transcends material possessions. May this Eid usher in abundant joy, peace, and prosperity for everyone. May your home be filled with the sounds of laughter, your heart with contentment, and your soul with blessings. Eid Mubarak.”
Saleem, who plays Tillu in the sitcom, said: “Eid is a special time for me, where I spend it with my family. I visit my relatives’ homes, where the mouth-watering scent of biryani fills the air and I can enjoy numerous servings of sheer khurma. My family has many excellent cooks, and we indulge in Eid’s culinary delights. This usually culminates in a food coma, but it’s worth it.”
“I have many fond memories of Eid, particularly the friendly competitions my friends and I would have to see who collected the most Eidi. We often compared our collections, and conversations revolved around how much we had received. If there were a discrepancy in amounts, we would appeal to our parents for rectification. Despite the modest sums, usually not exceeding Rs 50, the thrill of collecting was unmatched,” he shared.
Saleem added: “I look forward to spending time with my family and friends, savouring the divine flavours of sheer khurma and aromatic biryani.”
The show airs at 10.30 p.m. on &TV.