“In a revealing conversation with Siddharth Kannan, Mannara Chopra, a former contestant on Bigg Boss 17, shared a pivotal moment in her career – her first-ever rejection. With unflinching honesty, Mannara recounted the experience, describing it as ‘disheartening’ and a challenging moment in her journey. Despite the setback, she persevered and went on to achieve success in the entertainment industry, including her stint on the popular reality show Bigg Boss 17.”
In a candid conversation, Mannara Chopra shared the story of her first career rejection, a experience that left her feeling disheartened. She had cleared three rounds of auditions for a fairness cream advertisement, but ultimately lost the opportunity due to unwanted forehead acne.
Mannara recalled the excitement of being selected for the final round, saying, “I was among the last two girls, and they were going to choose one of us.” She was thrilled to be called back for the final selection, and felt confident after being selected again. However, her joy was short-lived, as she was eventually replaced due to her acne.
This experience, though disheartening, did not deter Mannara from pursuing her dreams. She went on to participate in Bigg Boss 17 and has continued to work in the entertainment industry.”
Source – Siddharth Kannan.