Namita Lal bonds with Hina Khan on Kashmir shoot

Actress-producer Namita Lal, who has worked with the popular television actress Hina Khan in two projects now – ‘Wishlist’ and ‘Country of Blind’, says that she loved working with her.

“I was in Cannes to launch my film ‘Oxygen’. ‘Wishlist’ was being launched at Indian Pavilion and Hina Khan was there. I played a cameo in the film, a special appearance which turned out to be the opening scene of the film and a significant part of the film, and my co actor was François d’Artemare (a well-known French producer) .”

“And then I went on to do another film with Hina, ‘Country of Blind’, based on an iconic H.G. Wells story,” she says, adding, “We shot this at Doodhpathri in Kashmir and I play a very significant role in the film. I play Hina’s mother and she is one of the most interesting and challenging characters I’ve done.”

Talking about the time she spent with Hina, Namita says: “It was wonderful working with Hina. She works very hard and she is very responsible as an actor and as a co-actor, it is great to be rehearsing scenes with her. She is extremely focused on the process of character building and concentrates and works hard in workshops.

“The location where we were shooting added to our challenges as well. Doodhpathri is two hours above Srinagar. And that film hopefully is going to be doing some circuits in Europe soon and here it will be released in the next 6 to 8 months.”

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