The dedicated actor will be next seen joining the ensemble cast of Varun Dhawan, Kiara Advani, Anil Kapoor and Neetu Kapoor in a pivotal role for Jug Jugg Jeeyo. Playing a Punjabi Munda, Maniesh Paul underwent impressive transformation bulking up for the character.
One of the most popular and talented performers of the industry, Maniesh Paul is known for his wit and comic timing. In his latest post, Maniesh Paul takes a funny take on his physical transformation driving inspiration from the ultimate fitness icon Dwayne Johnson aka ‘The Rock’.
Sharing a glimpse of his bare back physique, Maniesh Paul drew a witty and quirky analogy touting himself as the pebble against the mighty ‘The Rock’. With a picture of Dwayne Johnson and himself, Maniesh Paul said, “Now dnt ask me ki dono mein se main kaunse wala hoon😜😜🤣🤣🤣 @therock keep inspiring man!! #blackadam #mp #back #workout #mode #beastmode #muscle #pump #hardwork #goforit #diet”.
Known as the ‘Sultan of the Stage’, Maniesh Paul is one of the most entertaining personalities of Indian entertainment industry and is also renowned for his hosting skills. Recently, the actor impressed everyone with his entertaining acts at the Filmfare Awards, hosting the most celebrated award show of India.
Having conquered all mediums of entertainment, Maniesh Paul has got the audience excited to witness his performance in his upcoming projects.