Kangana Ranaut recently voiced her concerns regarding the boxing match between Italy’s Angela Carini and Algeria’s Imane Khelif, which has ignited a substantial debate due to the latter’s controversial participation. Khelif, who was disqualified from the 2023 World Championship after failing an unspecified gender eligibility test, is set to compete in the Paris Games, stirring conversations about fairness in women’s sports.
On her Instagram stories, Kangana shared an image of Angela Carini in tears after losing the match and sustaining a broken nose. She criticized the match as unfair, describing Khelif as a “naturally born male” who, despite identifying as female, possesses the physical attributes and strength of a male. Kangana’s caption read:
“This girl had to fight a 7 feet tall naturally born male, who has all body parts like a natural male, he looks and behaves like a man, he beat her in the boxing ring like a male beats a female in physical abuse scenario but he says he identifies as a female so guess who won the women’s boxing match? Woke culture is the most unfair and unjust practice. Speak up before it is your baby girl whose job or medal taken away. #SaveWomenSports”
In a follow-up story, Kangana expressed her views on relationships and gender roles within the LGBTQ+ community. She remarked:
“So basically to be able to have a woke relationship (homosexual relationship) one partner must play female role and the other one must play a male role. They love to play stereotypical male female archetypes but simultaneously encourage regular women to be effeminate in the name of feminism. Hmmm…strange! Honestly, I love homosexuals, some of my closest friends are homosexuals and they are extremely talented and exceptionally brilliant. That’s why I think they don’t have to imitate any one for acceptance.”
Further elaborating, Kangana encouraged the LGBTQ+ community to embrace their true selves without feeling the need to conform to societal stereotypes:
“They don’t need to play cheap, atrocious, inauthentic copies of men or women. They are super brilliant, they should come out exactly the way God made them. There should not be any need to be in denial of your natural self. They must accept themselves and should focus on shining in every field and not be overtly frivolous or sexual. They must bring dignity and value to their community. They deserve better and we must make a safe world for them where they can be their natural authentic self and get equal opportunities.”
Kangana Ranaut’s next project is “Emergency,” a film in which she directs and stars as former Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.
Bollywood Actress Kangana Ranaut comes in support of Italian Boxer Angela carini #IStandWithAngelaCarini#OlympicGames#KanganaRanaut pic.twitter.com/S2Et2uBjEZ
— Rahul Chauhan (@RahulCh9290) August 1, 2024