Kangana Ranaut, who is currently serving as a Member of Parliament from Himachal Pradesh, has come under fire for sharing a derogatory Instagram story mocking Rahul Gandhi, the Leader of Opposition. This action has ignited a heated debate on social media. Critics are calling her actions shameful and urging for legal repercussions, while her supporters defend her under the banner of free speech.
Kangana shared an edited image of Rahul Gandhi and captioned, “Jaati Jeevi Jisse bina jaati puche jaati ganana karaani hain”
The controversy has further brought to light the behavior of elected officials and their impact on public perception. In stark contrast to Kangana’s actions, Vikramaditya Singh, despite losing the election, has been praised for his on-ground efforts during the Himachal floods. This comparison has fueled discussions about the responsibilities and expected conduct of politicians.
Kangana’s controversial post included old videos of Rahul Gandhi invoking caste at public meetings. She wrote a mocking caption questioning his understanding of his own caste background, citing his diverse heritage, and criticizing him for asking others about their caste in a “crude, condescending manner.”
This incident ties into a broader political context where Rahul Gandhi recently accused BJP MP Anurag Thakur of insulting him during a discussion on the Union Budget. Anurag Thakur’s comment, which did not directly name Rahul Gandhi, implied criticism of those advocating for a caste census without knowing about caste themselves. Rahul Gandhi responded by emphasizing his commitment to passing the caste census in Parliament, dismissing the personal insults aimed at him.
This ongoing saga underscores the tensions and rhetorical battles within Indian politics, reflecting deeper issues of caste, identity, and the role of public discourse among elected representatives.
Earlier Kangana Ranaut has openly criticized the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics 2024, expressing her disapproval of what she described as a “blasphemous rendition of The Last Supper.” She took to her Instagram Stories on Saturday to share several pictures and videos from the event, alongside her critical commentary.
When you elect uneducated idiot to the parliament, this is the result.
Kangana brings down the total IQ of the parliament down.She is both buddhi heen and mathi heen. pic.twitter.com/uN94Sm0KU7
— Lavanya Ballal Jain (@LavanyaBallal) August 3, 2024