Salman Khan’s JAI HO Tax Glee: UP, Gujarat…

February 3, 2014
Salman Khan's JAI HO Tax Glee: UP, Gujarat...

For a certain supernova named Salman Khan, there was precious little to exult over JAI HO. The actor who’s experiencing a bad patch with the Sohail Khan -helmed flick, can now, perhaps, flash a gleeful grin.

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view JAI HO stills

After savouring the bliss of tax exemption from Uttar Pradesh, Mr. Shirtless Khan is now sanguine of bagging a tax-sop from Gujarat too!

CHECK OUT: JAI HO Movie Review

JAI HO deals with the domino effect that the ”good Samaritan” bit can do for the aam aadmi. After the tepid start to the flick, Khan can now rest on his (starry) back and relish the rewards.

Whoa, Salman bhai…. jai ho, finally!!

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