Sohit Vijay Soni on Makar Sankranti: I never had money to buy kites

January 14, 2019

Festivals often make us nostalgic and Makar Sankranti is one such occasion which will always be special for actor-comedian Sohit Vijay Soni.

Festivals often make us nostalgic and Makar Sankranti is one such occasion which will always be special for actor-comedian Sohit Vijay Soni. “I have a lot of memories of Makar Sankranti. My siblings and I celebrated Makar Sankranti every year at my native place during my childhood. Now, as I have shifted to Mumbai, I really miss doing all of that with my family," he says.

Flying kites will always be a memorable experience for the actor-comedian. Here's why… "I loved the ritual of flying kites. No one taught me how to fly a kite. We were not good financially,  so I had no money to purchase a kite for myself. The first time I had flown a kite was not my own. It was a kite which I found in a farm. As we used to play and run here and there, I found the kite while playing around in a farm and I remember I had fallen down that day and got hurt. Yet I brought that kite home and used a normal thread to tie up the kite.  I flew my first kite like that. After that, I got so addicted to flying kites, I used to pressure my parents to buy a new kite for me every year. I used to tell them that if they don't get me a new kite, I will run away.” 

Sohit adds, “One day my mom gave me five rupees. During those days, that was a lot of money.  With that money, I got a kite and a spool for myself. That's my fondest memory of this festival!"

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