Priyanka Chopra has been making headlines as she wraps up filming for her upcoming Hollywood movie, The Bluff. The actress, who has been sharing glimpses from the set over the past few months, celebrated the completion of the film with a wrap-up party that was nothing short of spectacular. The event was even more special as it was attended by her mother, Madhu Chopra, and co-star Karl Urban.
Madhu Chopra took to Instagram to share some candid moments from the party, where she is seen enjoying the festivities with Priyanka and Karl. In the pictures, the trio appears to be having a great time, with smiles and laughter all around. Madhu captioned the post with a heartwarming message, expressing her joy at being part of the celebration: “Had a blast at ‘The Bluff’ wrap party with @priyankachopra and @karlurban .”
Priyanka responded to her mother’s post with an affectionate comment, saying, “So awesome having you here. Couldn’t have done this without you. Love you, mama.” This mother-daughter moment resonated with fans, who flooded the comments with love and support.
The excitement among fans extends beyond the wrap party, as they eagerly await Priyanka’s performance in The Bluff. Set in the 19th-century Caribbean, the film follows the story of a former female pirate, played by Priyanka, who must protect her family when her past catches up with her. Produced by the Russo Brothers’ AGBO Studios and Amazon MGM Studios, the film also stars Karl Urban in a significant role.
One of the intriguing aspects of Priyanka’s role in The Bluff is her transformation for the character. She is set to sport a mohawk hairstyle, a dramatic departure from her usual long locks. Images of her new look were recently leaked on social media, sparking even more curiosity about the film.
Priyanka has been shooting in Australia for the past few months, with her daughter Malti by her side. Her husband, Nick Jonas, and her mother have been making frequent visits to support her. Alongside The Bluff, Priyanka will also be seen in another project titled Heads of State, further adding to the anticipation surrounding her upcoming work.