Aditi Rao Hydari captivated the internet with ‘gajagamini’ walk in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s period drama. There are brilliant jewels, elaborately crafted outfits, elegant buildings, and regal antiquities. From starry cast to extravagantly lavish sets, out of the many things on the show, Aditi Rao Hydari‘s seductive walk left a mark on viewers’ hearts.
Gaja Gamini” in Sanskrit is “one with the gait of an elephant”. The walk is therefore said to be graceful, dignified, and perhaps a slightly regal walk, akin to the majestic gait of an elephant. It might symbolize strength, grace, and femininity.
Fans loved her walk and commented, ‘Bibbojaan’s walk pierced through our hearts”.Another user commented saying, “This walk has single handled cured many women of body image issue”.
Aditi’s daring display of back flaps has increased the popularity of this walk among women, demonstrating that a woman may be confident in whatever type or size of her body.
Heeramandi is streaming on Netflix.