Break point review is here. The sports docu series is based on India’s No. 1 tennis duo Leander Paes and Mahesh Bhupathi aka Lee-Hesh. Streaming on Zee5, Break point is directed by the husband-wife duo Ashwini Iyer Tiwari and Nitesh Tiwari.
Break Point Review
A nostalgic treat for lovers of lawn tennis by the Tiwari duo. The docu series underlines in bold how India’s tennis legends who ruled as No.1 in the doubles category in their prime- Leander Paes and Mahesh Bhupathi aka Lee-Hesh changed the way we looked at tennis starting from mid 90’s and so on.
But what made the worldwide icons of men’s doubles in lawn tennis drift apart periodically over issues which were not bigger than the game is explained in this irresistibly engaging seven episode docu series where both Paes and Mahesh are doing most of the talking and giving their side of their story.
Yes, they are sharing it after a couple of decades but the remorse is still felt. Here the super power of men’s doubles’ ‘Indian express’ Paes and Bhupati are talking like humans, brothers who parted ways, they believed in themselves and each other when they played on court but off court they behaved like an emotional immature trainee who gave an ear to those Chinese whispers.    Â
Fans of tennis in India will be overwhelmed to see the teary-eyed Leander – the most animated of the duo, the extrovert the big brother and the subtle quite calm introvert Mahesh.
Ashwini Iyer Tiwari and Nitesh Tiwari are able to remarkably highlight the human psyche in these seven episode conversations between Paes, Mahesh, their parents, their coach, colleagues, sports journalists, celebrities like Amitabh Bachchan and event managers like Shailendra Singh.
Love, jealousy, pain, agony, suffering, redemption, healing, sacrifice, pride, ego, care, concern, indifference, all such traits come during the conversation, like a closely fought five set match.
Highlighting the importance of communication in human begins be it husband wife, tennis doubles partners, father son, mother daughter, etc. Break point is not just a heart rending docu series on the pioneers of the chest bump in lawn tennis, it’s a lesson on how Paes and Mahesh who played their game with all heart and passion couldn’t find the courage and/or the words to clear their doubts, the alleged foul play by the third party, resulting in losing the ‘advantage’ and facing the ‘breakpoint’. This one should be on the top list of any tennis fan around the globe.