Actor Farman Haider, who is currently seen as Samar in TV show ‘Rakshabandhan … Rasal Apne Bhai Ki Dhaal’, has revealed his love for acting since childhood.
He says: “I have wanted to become an actor since my childhood. I’m born and raised in Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh. I shifted to pursue acting in Mumbai four years ago. I must say that my family supported me to make my acting dream come true. I’m giving my best hard work and dedication to achieve a successful career here in showbiz.”
Farman also mentioned that he and his brother are also into business. “My younger brother and me also look after a business. That is something which backs me financially too. As acting is not always a stable job. So my business makes me secure.”
The actor who essays negative characters, now wants to play a positive role. “After experiencing negative and grey roles now, I wish to play a positive role. As an actor, I wish to grow and explore each genre and do more challenging roles. I feel any role I take up should be exciting and must be fun while portraying it.”
Farman is known for featuring in shows like ‘Kasauti Zindagi Kay 2’ and ‘Namah Lakshmi Narayan’.