Actor Manish Gulati, renowned for his role in the Randeep Hooda-starrer ‘Cat,’ recently recounted a childhood memory related to the festival of Holi. Speaking on Sunday, he nostalgically recalled the vibrant Holi celebrations from his early years, recalling how he would wake up to the rhythmic beats of drums on the auspicious day. Gulati also disclosed his plans to celebrate Holi with close friends.
He expressed, “Holi has always held a special place in my heart, particularly reminiscing about the lively festivities in my hometown Punjab. This year, I’m excited to join friends and family in Mumbai, looking forward to engaging in traditional customs, relishing delectable treats, and, of course, immersing in vibrant colors.”
Reflecting on cherished memories, he added, “One vivid childhood recollection is the joy of awakening to drum beats and the thrill of splashing colors and water, spreading joy and laughter all around.”