Adah Sharma Finds Peace and Creativity in Sushant Singh Rajput’s Former Home

June 3, 2024
Adah Sharma Finds Peace and Creativity in Sushant Singh Rajput's Former Home

Actor Adah Sharma recently made headlines by moving into the late Sushant Singh Rajput’s apartment in Mumbai. After months of speculation, Adah confirmed that she had indeed relocated to the space four months ago. In an interview with Bombay Times, she shared insights into her decision and her experience since settling into her new abode.

Adah expressed her affinity for the positive vibes emanating from the apartment, located in Mont Blanc Apartments, Bandra. Despite some initial discouragement from others, Adah followed her intuition and trusted her gut feeling about the move. She emphasized her sensitivity to energy and her desire for a space surrounded by nature, reminiscent of her childhood homes in Kerala and Mumbai.

The actor’s decision to move into Sushant Singh Rajput’s former residence was not without its challenges. Adah faced skepticism and criticism similar to what she encountered in her career choices, particularly when she embarked on projects like “1920” and “The Kerala Story.” However, she remained steadfast in her belief in her instincts, ultimately finding success in both her career and her choice of residence.

Since moving in, Adah has wasted no time in personalizing the space to suit her tastes and needs. She embarked on a makeover project, painting the entire apartment white and transforming various rooms to serve specific purposes. The lower floor now houses a mandir, while one room upstairs has become a music room and another a dance studio. Additionally, Adah has transformed the terrace into a lush garden, reflecting her love for nature and tranquility.

Living a minimalist lifestyle, Adah and her mother have opted for simplicity in furnishings, preferring to sleep and eat on the floor. This intentional choice aligns with Adah’s desire for a serene and uncluttered living space, where she can focus on her creative endeavors and find solace amidst the hustle and bustle of Mumbai.

In conclusion, Adah Sharma’s move into Sushant Singh Rajput’s former home symbolizes her journey of trusting her instincts, embracing positivity, and creating a space that nurtures her creativity and inner peace.

Source – Bombay times

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