Rahul Vaidya is set to bring a fresh and entertaining vibe to the upcoming show “Laughter Chefs – Unlimited Entertainment.” Rahul’s new look for the show has created quite a buzz. Sporting a stylish and trendy appearance, Rahul aims to add his unique charm to the comedic culinary escapades of the show.
Rahul Vaidya looks handsome in a pink shirt and a black pair of cargo pants. Fans are loving his new look.
Laughter Chefs” will see celebrities attempting to cook dishes under the guidance of Chef Harpal Singh Sokhi, with Bharti Singh hosting and adding her comedic flair. The show promises a blend of laughter and cooking mishaps, ensuring viewers are thoroughly entertained.
The launch event was a star-studded affair with notable TV personalities like Arjun Bijlani, Rahul Vaidya, Aly Goni, Ankita Lokhande, Krushna Abhishek, and Kashmera Shah in attendance​.