Zee TV’s Tere Bina Jiya Jaye Na has kept the audience at the edge of their seats since its launch. The show follows the story of Krisha Chaturvedi (played by Anjali Tatrari), a simple young girl of limited means, who moves into a magnificent palace set against the picturesque landscape of the princely state of Ambikapur. She hoped to begin her very own fairy tale with the love of her life Prince Devraj (played by Avinesh Rekhi), the current heir of the royal family.
Though Krisha had started dreaming of her happily ever after, a harsh reality left her stunned in her tracks. After coming to Devraj’s house, she came to know how he was earlier married to Maya, who looked exactly like Krisha. Though Maya is no more, this revelation leaves Krisha doubtful of Devraj’s love for her! This high-octane drama has kept everyone eager to know what will happen next in Tere Bina Jiya Jaye Na, and while the audience is excited, looks like Anjali Tatrari is even more ecstatic about the latest twist in the tale…
In the upcoming episodes, we will see how Anjali will not only be seen as Krisha, but also as Maya. Yes, the actress will be seen in a double role as the story moves forward with certain glimpses form the flashback and unravels the mystery of the Raaz Mahal of Ambikapur. We will even find out over time how Krisha and Maya look the same, but they were quite distinct in nature. Their looks and style are quite unique too and switching between these two characters and the challenge of nailing every detail accurately has made Anjali happy! She is enjoying the challenge of her first dual role.
As Anjali reveals, “The current track has kept me on my toes, especially with Devraj and Krisha’s major conflict playing out. The upcoming track will also see the introduction of Maya, Devraj’s first wife who looks exactly like Krisha. This gives me the opportunity to play a double role for the first time and when the makers had narrated the script to me, this was one of the major deciding factors for me to do this show. The challenge of playing two characters was really exciting for me and I knew I had to take up this part.”
She further adds, “With Maya’s track starting, we have been shooting back-to-back sequences where I am playing Krisha in one sequence and Maya in other. There are times when I have just finished an intense, crying sequence as Krisha and then, I have to get into the classy and chic avatar of Maya. I love playing this variation of characters, where Krisha is a vulnerable character who will adjust in any situation, while Maya is a headstrong girl who will do what she feels like, be it in any situation. Their looks are also different. Krisha’s look is very simple, while Maya’s avatar is more modern. The hair and make-up are also so different. I must add that I am more like Krisha in terms of nature and Maya in terms of style and look. Having said that, I love both of my characters.”
While Anjali is going all out to embody Krisha and Maya’s character, it will be interesting to see the secrets that Krisha uncovers as the story progresses. Will there be a ‘happily ever after’ in store for Krisha after all? Or will she have to take charge of the situation and earn it?