Actor Arjun Bijlani on Monday shared a behind-the-scenes (BTS) glimpse from the shoot of his project, where he is seen sitting on top of a mango tree.
Taking to Instagram, Arjun, who currently features in the show ‘Pyaar Ka Pehla Adhyaya ShivShakti’, shared a Reel video, wherein he is seen wearing a grey shirt, and beige-coloured cargo pants.
He is seen enjoying shooting for the sequence, though he did not disclose the name of the project.
Arjun said in the video: “Without harness, killing it”.
The post is captioned as: “I was Paid to latkao on the ped #bts #actorslife #”.
The show ‘Pyaar Ka Pehla Adhyaya ShivShakti’ revolves around Shiv (Arjun) and Shakti (Nikki Sharma). It airs on Zee TV.