Actor Raghav Tiwari, who made his television debut with ‘Hamari Wali Good News’, enjoys playing winter sports to be warm and healthy during the cold winter.
He says: “Whether it’s the stunning views, the feeling of crisp winter air, or the exhilaration of that next run, there is something about winter sports that keeps me hooked. Cold weather pursuits like football, hockey, badminton, volleyball, basketball, athletics, boccia, croquet, squash, table-tennis are all great for the body and mind. Winter sports are some of the most exciting ways to improve your cardiovascular health, and best of all, it won’t even feel boring and is always fun.”
Raghav says since childhood he enjoys winter, which excites him. “I remember since childhood I’m fond of winter. As during academics we use to have our winter sports in schools. Later at night we used to celebrate by playing indoor games like carrom. As I’m born and raised in Jaipur and during winters most marriages are organised so we used to enjoy a lot of food too. I do miss my hometown in Mumbai during winters.”