TV actor Randeep Rai says that unlike many others, he is not running after the digital platform and will only take up something after looking at the quality of work. “I think it depends completely on the actor’s mindset. Mine is neutral for work. Be it anything, if I feel it’s a good project, lead role or not, or on any platform, I don’t mind doing it. And yes, everyone wants to do OTT because OTT is the future. But if you ask me, I don’t have that mindset. I’m happy with the way my career is going. If I get a chance, I would, of course, love to do a good OTT project on a good platform. But again, I believe in destiny. Jab hona hoga tab ho jayega. I’m just working hard on myself and on my craft and, for me, that’s more important,” he says.
Randeep has been part of a number of TV shows including ‘Yeh Un Dinon Ki Baat Hai’, ‘Balika Vadhu 2’ and ‘Bade Achhe Lagte Hain 2’.
Talking about the kind of shows being made today, he says: “Makers make content according to the demand of the audience, so I have no comment on it. Till the time the audience is not facing any problem, the makers are not facing any problem, the actors are not facing any problem.”
On the kind of work he wants to take up on OTT, he says: “I would love to play grey characters, not negative but grey characters. You know someone who is a bit arrogant and also has a little action and romance like Kabir Singh.”