Ahead of the Holi, actors Vibha Chibber and Meera Deosthale have opened up on their memories of the festival, their skincare routine and plans this year. Senior actress Vibha, who plays Janaki Maa in the show ‘Mehndi Wala Ghar’ said: “For me, no festival feels complete without my family, and I make it a point to be with them during all the major festivals. I usually prefer to keep the celebrations a bit low-key with my family and friends, enjoying the food, sweets, and festivities to the fullest.”
Reminiscing about the childhood memories, the ‘Looteri Dulhan’ fame actress shared: “I fondly recall my childhood days when the entire family would gather one night prior to Holika dahan, and I’m looking forward to that this year as well.”
“This time, I’m glad to be celebrating the festival with my new family — the team at ‘Mehndi Wala Ghar’. We all plan to celebrate it with organic colours and without wasting any water. I would like to wish everyone a very happy Holi and urge everyone to save water,” she added.
Meera, portraying the character of Nandini in ‘Kuch Reet Jagat Ki Aisi Hai’ said: “Holi holds a special place in my heart. During my childhood days in Vadodra, all our friends used to meet up at a common place and prepare together by applying oil in order to avoid staining our skin after we finished playing. I’d wear full-sleeved clothes to protect my skin from tanning.”
“And of course, the food was always a highlight. Being Gujarati, I always craved sweets, and after playing Holi, we’d enjoy Ghugra made with a mother’s love. Those were the days of absolute joy and mischief during Holi,” she added.
The show airs on Sony.