Priyanka Chopra’s recent social media posts offer a heartfelt glimpse into her busy yet family-oriented life. As she films “The Bluff” in Australia, she shared photos of reuniting with her husband, Nick Jonas, and enjoying a family picnic. One picture captures a tender moment with Nick holding her affectionately, where Priyanka is seen in a sleek dress and sunglasses, and Nick in a white shirt and trousers.
Another charming photo shows Nick and their daughter Malti meeting characters from Paw Patrol. The series also includes snaps from a family outing with Priyanka’s mother, Madhu Chopra. The caption for these moments reads, “These days.”
In addition to these family moments, Priyanka shared images of her injury marks. One snapshot features a red mark below her knee, and another video zooms in on her feet, showing garlic cloves being rubbed beneath them. Priyanka explained that this remedy helps with inflammation and fever.