On Sunday, the actress took to her Instagram and shared a video of herself lip-syncing to the ‘vaatavaran’ dialogue from the Ranbir Kapoor, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Anushka Sharma-starrer ‘Ae Dil Hai Mushkil’.
The video was shared by the actress from the sets of ‘Dance Deewane’.
Madhuri pitched the note of her character in the Reel a notch above and enacted the lines said by Lisa Haydon in the film.
The actress lip-synced the dialogue, “One day they used a word ‘vaatavaran’, and I was like, ‘OMG, I love that word. What does it mean?’. So Ayan said, ‘It means vibe’.”
In the video, Madhuri can be seen donning a black saree.
Recently, the actress walked the ramp for Ranna Gill’s show at the Lakme Fashion Week x FDCI. She donned a white sparkles drizzled pantsuit for the event.