Priyanka Chopra commemorated the 11th death anniversary of her father, Ashok Chopra, with a heartfelt tribute on Instagram. Ashok, who served as a physician in the Indian Army, passed away on June 10, 2013, after a prolonged battle with cancer. Priyanka shared an emotional Instagram reel featuring never-before-seen childhood photos, capturing moments of joy and togetherness with her father.
In her post Priyanka described her father as “the light of every room” and expressed that he remains her “brightest light” even after all these years. She wrote, “11 years without you and it still doesn’t feel real. Thinking of you today and every day. I love you. Forever.” Priyanka also encouraged her followers to cherish their loved ones, emphasizing the fleeting nature of time.
The Instagram reel highlighted various moments from Ashok Chopra’s life, including a special clip of him singing “Sawan Ke Mahine Mein” on stage, and showcased numerous family gatherings and celebrations where the father-daughter bond was prominently featured.
Recently, Priyanka spoke about her journey of coping with grief on the “Read the Room” podcast. She revealed that after her father’s passing, she gradually accepted that such profound pain would always be a part of her life. “It’s your companion,” she remarked, acknowledging that one never truly gets over the loss of a loved one.
Priyanka frequently shares stories and memories of her father. In 2020, she posted a childhood photo of herself wearing her father’s Army uniform, expressing her admiration for him and how he inspired her adventurous spirit. She wrote, “I wanted to grow up and be exactly like him. He was my idol… My urge was to do something that hadn’t been done before, to discover something that no one had found yet. I always wanted to be first. That urge drives me every day, in every single thing I do.”