Ranveer Singh arrived in style at the store launch of a high-end jewellery brand in Mumbai. Several videos of Singh from the event are going viral on social media. In one of the videos that is now going viral on the internet, Ranveer Singh can be seen hugging and kissing Babil, seemingly comforting him over something.
For the unversed, this comes on the same day that marked the 9th anniversary of Irrfan Khan’s movie Piku which also starred Ranveer’s wife Deepika Padukone. While Deepika shared a note to celebrate the occasion and dropped a BTS picture from the sets. She quoted in her post, “@irrfan Oh how much we miss you…(three red heart emojis)” Piku also starred Amitabh Bachchan in a central role.
Meanwhile, Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone have also been making headlines ever since the former deleted their wedding pictures from his Instagram handle. Ranveer’s act left DeepVeer fans worried with many wondering if all was not well between the two actors.