Shah Rukh Khan recently added another feather to his cap by receiving the prestigious Pardo alla Carriera Ascona-Locarno Tourism award at the 77th Locarno Film Festival in Switzerland. The award, a lifetime achievement honor, celebrates global personalities who have made significant contributions to cinema. Shah Rukh, who looked dapper in a black suit and sporting his signature long hair, was the center of attention at the event. However, a viral video from the red carpet sparked controversy online.
The clip showed Shah Rukh Khan posing for photographs alongside an older gentleman. Some trolls accused the superstar of pushing the man out of the frame to take solo pictures, leading to a wave of criticism on social media. However, fans and others were quick to defend SRK, pointing out that the man in the video is actually a longtime friend of the actor. Supporters argued that the video was taken out of context and that Shah Rukh would never intentionally disrespect someone.
Shah Rukh Khan honoured with Pardo alla Carriera at Locarno Film Festival 2024
One fan clarified the situation by tweeting, “he is his old friend there are many photos of him with that guy stop being jealous of king.” Another netizen, who identified themselves as not being a fan of the actor, also defended him, saying, “Regardless of his Stardom and his ego of being a superstar. Shah Rukh is an extremely chivalrous and kind person with people. Unless provoked, he never loses his cool. This is a storm in a tea cup.”
A previously unseen video from the festival further supports this defense, showing Shah Rukh and the man walking the red carpet together, appearing comfortable and friendly. This additional footage has led many to reconsider the initial negative reactions, with most agreeing that the incident was blown out of proportion.
This situation highlights the importance of considering the full context before jumping to conclusions, especially when it involves public figures who are often scrutinized under a harsh spotlight.
Exclusive: Shah Rukh Khan with the same guy whom he “PushED” .
When you are pure at heart , nothing can harm you.
#ShahRukhKhan— ℣ (@Vamp_Combatant) August 10, 2024
New: King having fun times #ShahRukhKhan
— ℣ (@Vamp_Combatant) August 10, 2024