Bigg Boss contestant Abdu Rozik recently thrilled fans with the news of his engagement. A day prior to that, he shared the news of his marriage on social media. Abdu is marrying 19 Amira. The engagement has already taken place and the wedding will happen on July 7 in UAE.
While his friends congratulated him on the other hand many netizens trolled the Abdu with nasty comments. Now Abdu has reacted to this strongly.
He shared a video on Instagram and appealed to trolls for kindness. In a lengthy note, the Tajikistani singer argues that they were ridiculing his decision to marry solely because of his stature.
His note read, “Thank you to everyone who has congratulated me and wished us well but from happy news I also have to talk about something bad that’s happening. I want to say the negative comments and those who are making fun of me and being nasty is very sad. Imagine Amira and her family are reading these comments.”