Bollywood actress Preity Zinta, who is currently busy with the ongoing season of IPL with regards to her team Punjab Kings, went through her archives on Monday. The actress shared a picture from her 1st photoshoot.
The actress took to her Instagram and shared a throwback picture. The picture is a close-up of the actress.
She wrote in the caption: “Was going through some old stuff and found this photo ! OMG! My first photo shoot ever… I was all of 20 & I thought I knew everything I needed to know about the world … except how to pose for a photo shoot #20yearoldme #memories #throwback #ting.”
Earlier, Preity Zinta took a walk down memory lane and recalled her 2004 film ‘Veer-Zaara’ with Bollywood megastar Shah Rukh Khan, who she says helped in “brightening” her day after she felt like a “zombie” during rehearsals.
Taking to X, Preity shared a video featuring the two stars during their dance rehearsals. The song ‘Tere liye’ could be heard playing in the background as they practised.
The actress wrote in the caption: “This was us rehearsing for an award show. I remember I had no sleep for two days and I felt like a zombie. @iamsrk helped brighten the day and the rehearsal with his easy charm and timely jokes.”
Preity then talked about a dance step, which she revealed was taken from the song ‘Jiya jale’ from the 1998 film ‘Dil Se’.
The actress wrote: “The flip when he is holding me was the same step we did in ‘Jiya Jale’. #memories #tereliye #veerzaara #jiyajale #flashbackfriday #Ting.”