BLACKPINK’s Jisoo is making waves with her upcoming role in the zombie thriller series titled Newtopia, previously known as Influenza. Confirmed by Coupang Play on August 1, the series has fans eagerly anticipating its release in 2025. The excitement is further heightened by the involvement of Han Jin-won, the Oscar-winning writer of Parasite, and director Yoon Sung Hyun.
Jisoo will share the screen with Park Jung Min, who is celebrated for his performances in Hellbound and Smugglers. In Newtopia, the drama unfolds around a viral outbreak in downtown Seoul, turning infected individuals into zombies. The series will focus on a young couple, Lee Jae Joon and Kang Young Ju, portrayed by Jung Min and Jisoo, respectively, as they struggle to reunite amidst the chaos.
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Coupangplay shared the photos and captioned, “The day we broke up, the zombie saw the world 우리가 We finally saw it! Casting the next generation of K-Zombies! Soldier Park Jungmin X Kimshin Jisoo <Newtopia> First snapshot revealed Coop Play scheduled to be released in 2025”
Park Jung Min’s character, Lee Jae Joon, is depicted as an older soldier who enlisted later than his peers and is concerned about his future. Jisoo’s character, Kang Young Ju, is portrayed as Jae Joon’s girlfriend, eagerly awaiting his military discharge. Her character is particularly captivating as she is a former engineering college beauty who has recently started a new job.
The series promises an intense narrative of survival and love, with Jae Joon and Young Ju racing against time to find each other in a city overrun by zombies. The plot, penned by Han Jin-won and Ji Ho-jin, aims to capture the terrifying chaos and the emotional journey of the characters as they navigate the apocalyptic scenario.
Newtopia has reportedly completed its shooting schedule and is slated for a 2025 debut, leaving fans on the edge of their seats for the thrilling series.