Priyanka Chahar Choudhary celebrated her birthday on August 12, and the day was made even more special by a heartfelt message from her rumoured boyfriend, Ankit Gupta. The two actors, who share a deep bond both on and off the screen, have been the subject of much speculation regarding their relationship status. Ankit’s birthday wish, posted on Instagram, featured a picture of the two lost in each other’s eyes, along with a sweet caption that read, “On your special day, I’m celebrating you and all the joy you bring into my life. Happy Birthday, and here’s to another year of epic memories!”
Priyanka and Ankit, who first captured audiences’ hearts with their chemistry in the television series Udaariyaan, have continued to fuel dating rumours. Despite their denials and insistence that they are just “close friends,” fans remain convinced that there might be more to their relationship. Earlier this year, rumours of an impending marriage between the two added more fuel to the fire. However, Priyanka humorously debunked these reports with a light-hearted Instagram story, suggesting that some media outlets were jumping the gun with their April Fools’ Day pranks.
Celebrating her birthday, Priyanka looked stunning in a blush nude halter-neck mini dress, while Ankit kept it simple and stylish in an all-black outfit. A video shared by paparazzi showed the duo sharing a sweet moment as Priyanka cut her birthday cake and offered the first bite to Ankit, much to the delight of their fans.
Their close friendship blossomed further during their time together on Bigg Boss 16, where their bond was once again put on display for the world to see. As they continue to charm fans with their undeniable chemistry, Priyanka and Ankit’s relationship remains a topic of keen interest and speculation in the entertainment world.