Ananya Panday recently surprised fans and commuters by taking a ride on the Mumbai metro as part of the promotional campaign for her upcoming Prime Video series, Call Me Bae. She was joined by her co-stars Varun Sood, Vihaan Samat, Gurfateh Pirzada, and Muskkaan Jaferi. The group was spotted at the Western Express metro station, generating a buzz among the public as they interacted with fans, took selfies, and posed for photos.
Ananya, dressed in a stylish denim crop top paired with tasseled jeans, appeared to be in high spirits throughout the journey, laughing and chatting with her co-stars. The metro ride was a fun and creative way to promote the series, and the cast even posed in front of posters for the show during their commute.
Call Me Bae, directed by Collin D’Cunha, is produced by Karan Johar’s Dharmatic Entertainment. The series follows Ananya’s character, Bae, a billionaire fashionista whose world turns upside down when she is disowned by her family.
Stripped of her lavish lifestyle, Bae must learn to navigate life on her own in Mumbai, facing challenges like using public transportation and adapting to a new career as a journalist. The show, which also features Vir Das, Niharika Lyra Dutt, Lisa Mishra, and Mini Mathur, is set to premiere on September 6 on Prime Video.