Lilly Singh, the popular YouTuber and comedian, recently collaborated with Bollywood actor Sidharth Malhotra for a fun Instagram reel that brought back the nostalgic vibes of the hit song “Kar Gayi Chull” from the 2016 film Kapoor & Sons. The song, which originally featured Alia Bhatt and Sidharth Malhotra, remains a party favorite in India, and this playful dance video reignited fans’ love for the track.
On September 3, Lilly shared the video on her Instagram, where she and Sidharth can be seen dancing to the catchy hook step of the song. Lilly was dressed in a stylish half-and-half shirt paired with black trousers, while Sidharth sported a cool denim jacket and jeans combo with a graphic T-shirt. The video starts with the duo nailing the iconic dance moves, followed by some goofy and light-hearted moments.
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In her caption, Lilly joked about how she was never allowed to attend house parties growing up, so now she makes dance reels with friends like Sidharth Malhotra instead. She also gave a shout-out to Alia Bhatt, acknowledging that while she and Sidharth may not be as “cute” as the original pair, they were definitely trying.
Fans quickly showered the video with love, praising the unexpected yet delightful collaboration. Many commented on how adorable and entertaining the duo looked together, with one fan even calling it “every brown girl’s dream.” Others couldn’t help but gush over Sidharth, complimenting his charm and playful demeanor.
On the work front, Sidharth Malhotra was last seen in the action movie Yodha, produced by Dharma Productions, where he starred alongside Raashii Khanna and Disha Patani. He also featured in Rohit Shetty’s action-packed series *Indian Police Force*, which included a star-studded cast with Vivek Oberoi and Shilpa Shetty. Although Sidharth is currently in between projects, his fans eagerly await his next big announcement.
Lilly Singh, known for her immense online presence, continues to thrive as one of the richest female YouTubers globally, with an estimated net worth of $20 million. She enjoys a massive following of 14.3 million subscribers on YouTube and 13.7 million followers on Instagram. Over the years, Lilly has collaborated with numerous celebrities across the entertainment industry, including several Bollywood stars, further solidifying her influence and reach.